what does a rounded forehead mean?

What does your forehead say about you?

A rounded forehead, like the one shown in this picture, shows someone who is very intuitive and probably psychic. How they think is very circuitous and they may have a great memory.

This does not mean they are illogical, it’s just that their right brain is stronger than their left.

One of their strengths will be their imagination.

They will able to create complex fantasy worlds or have a hard time telling the difference between reality and the reality of their own creation. One of their challenges in life will be telling the difference between their intuitive mind and their imagination.

On top of this, the forehead indicates the twenties in someone’s life.

When their forehead is rounded this indicates a 20s where nothing moves in a straight line. They could have wondered externally, perhaps living abroad and travelling a lot, or internally, deep in thought and wandering through different life philosophies. It is highly likely they had an experience of staying in one job in their twenties, or had a steady career in one spot - not that they were unable to, just that they weren’t designed to.

However their life will turn out, it was better for them than they wandered and were unconventional in this period. This will be more useful to them than some more traditional trajectory.

Whatever the case, when they reach their 30s they will find themselves in a different position than when they went in to their 20s.

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