what is nine star ki?
nine star ki is an ancient asian system of astrology based on the five elements of chinese medicine.
So it’s 100% compatible with our work. The 5E have been divided into a further nine subcategories in this system, including their yin and yang expressions.
In someone’s NSK there are a total of three patterns, the first is their main personality, the second is their stressed or child self, and the third has two sides. The second side is their career, life purpose or destiny while the first side is a theme or challenge that must be navigated to achieve and work towards their destiny.
The NSK or 9SK uses numbers as a shorthand but it is in no way based in numerology.
For the sake of simplicity and time, we won’t explain the full expression of each pattern in the various positions as that’s a whole book in itself. However you can find NSK articles on the blog.
Anyway, here are the following patterns:
Yin Earth Element
Yang Wood Element
Yin Wood Element
Neutral Earth Element
(Difficult to find an image for as it’s known as “the centre” or “core.” An eye of the storm is an image in nature that illustrates 5-ness)
Yang Metal Element
Yin Metal Element
Yang Earth Element