what is water element?
winter, the unconscious mind, the energy of the foetus in the womb, our connection to our ancestors, fear, trust, the darkness of night.
the time before life and after death
Water element is mystery
It’s depth. It’s the unknown. It’s the land of dreams and fantasy. The intuitive pulls you get to go this way or that. It’s the unseen. It’s the abyss, and so terror and fear are placed in water element but also courage and trust.
Rest is water element
Out of the five, though each is healing in their own way, this is the element that is called the Healer or Shaman, the Witch or the Wizard even; but because of its unseen nature, its qualities are the most overlooked and undervalued in western society. Water element is our trust, faith, and intuition; but it is also our primal survival-level fears. People with a lot of this element in their nature are deeply innovative and creative—they think non-linearly, and they know things without knowing how they know. Their lives unfold best when they are allowed the freedom to listen inwards, flowing through life at the pace of their own unique rhythm and timing.
What are the organs associated with water element?
The kidneys, the reproductive organs, the bladder, the ears.